Jonathan Sklar
March 6, 2024, 12-1:30pm
Wellknown for his work on Winnicott, Dr. Sklar wrote on trauma, psychosomatics and recently on art and transitional space. He will be presenting on Zoom at the time of the seminar of Transitional Psychoanalysis.
Dr. Jonathan Sklar MBBS, FRCPsych is an Independent training psychoanalyst of the British Psychoanalytic Society. He trained in psychiatry as well as in adult psychotherapy at the Tavistock Clinic, London. For many years he was head of the Psychotherapy department in Cambridge. He presently works in part time analytic practice in London. As well as lecturing widely across the world, he has taught psychoanalysis annually in South Africa for over 10 years, termly in Chicago for ten years until 2018 as well as regularly across Eastern Europe. From 2007-2011, he was Vice President of the European Psychoanalytic Federation, with special responsibility for seminars for recently qualified analysts as well as new analytic groups in East Europe. He convened Balint Groups for 25 years. He has taught a course at UCL and later at the BPAS on Ferenczi and Contemporary Psychoanalysis for a long time. He has been a board member of the IPA from 2015-2019.
Landscapes of the Dark – History, Trauma, Psychoanalysis. Karnac 2011
Balint Matters – Psychosomatics and the Art of Assessment. Karnac 2017
Dark Times – Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Politics, History and Mourning. Phoenix Press 2018
The Soft Power of Culture – Art, Transitional Space and Play. To be published by Karnac April 2024