Come On, Men, One More Effort… Anthropogenesis, Christianity, Sexuation
Friday, February 7, 2025
6:45 - 8:45pm
321 West 44th Street Suite 510
New York, NY 10036
For Tickets & Registration, click here
Thierry de Duve outlines the main features of a critical theory of male, all-too-male sexuation and cross-gender emancipation, drawing on Marcel Gauchet’s theses on Christianity as an exit from religion, Jacques Lacan’s algebra of desire, and Geneviève Morel’s analysis of the “law of the mother.”
Wouldn’t it have required more than the translation of the three Christian maxims “faith, hope, love” into the revolutionary maxims “liberté, egalité, fraternité?” Is there more to the knot of incarnation, fatherhood, and the cult of Mary than just Christian mysticism? Can the uncertainty of fatherhood become an act of faith that acknowledges a fundamental uncertainty?
Come On, Men, One More Effort… explores ways out of the dead end of political concepts adopted by the Enlightenment and their continued impact today, since the only possibility seems to be to embrace the religious and reject it at the same time.
Thierry de Duve is a historian, philosopher of art ,and Evelyn Kranes Kossak Professor at Hunter College, City University of New York. His English publications include Pictorial Nominalism (1991), Kant After Duchamp (1996), Clement Greenberg Between the Lines (1996, 2010), Look—100 Years of Contemporary Art (2001), Sewn In the Sweatshops of Marx: Beuys, Warhol, Klein, Duchamp (2012), and Aesthetics at Large, Volume One: Art, Ethics, Politics (2018). Two volumes of his Essais datés, published in French by Mamco in Geneva, have appeared in the last few years: Vol. I, Duchampiana, in 2014, and Vol. II, Adresses, in 2016. Duchamp’s Telegram, From Beaux-Arts to Art-in-General was published in 2023. He is presently working on Volume Two of Aesthetics at Large. His book Come On, Men, One More Effort… Anthropogenesis, Christianity, Sexuation is forthcoming. Click link for book information.